Who is this Jesus?

Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa, and join me on a journey today. A journey that explores, questions, and revels in the fascinating life and teachings of Jesus Christ. This isn't a dusty old history lesson. This is about living, breathing faith and how the story of Jesus can breathe fresh life into our daily walks. The question we'll wrestle with today is: "Who is this Jesus?" You might think you know the answer. But prepare to be surprised, touched, and maybe even a bit awestruck.

I'd like you to imagine this scene from Luke Chapter 7. The room is crowded and humming with anticipation. Among the multitude is a woman, her heart heavy with guilt and regret, yearning for forgiveness. She approaches Jesus, and, in a profound act of love and humility, begins to wash his feet with her tears, drying them with her hair. Jesus looks at her, smiles, and says, "Your sins are forgiven." Now, imagine the gasps and whispers fluttering around the room. "Who is this Jesus who even forgives sins?" they murmur.

But let’s back up a bit, to the start of Luke 7. Here, we meet a Roman centurion, a foreigner, a non-Jew, a man whose nationality is unclear. Yet, he shows respect towards Jewish customs, acknowledging Jesus as a respected Rabbi, and asks him to heal his servant. His faith is so strong that he tells Jesus just to "speak the word" and he believes his servant will be healed. And just as he believed, his servant is healed.

Now let's pause a moment here. Isn't it intriguing? This Jesus, who embraces outsiders, whose words hold the power to heal, who responds to faith wherever it is found. Who is this Jesus? He’s not exclusive; he’s all-inclusive. He’s there for each of us, ready to answer in our times of trouble, anxiety, and distress. Remember, Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

But let’s not stop there. Next, we find Jesus in the town of Nain. He witnesses a funeral procession for a widow's only son. He tells the woman, "Do not weep," then approaches the bier and commands the young man to rise. And he does. Imagine the astonishment! This Jesus, who has the power to reverse death, who brings comfort in the face of sorrow. Who is this Jesus? He's the bringer of life and hope.

Let's step forward now to when Jesus sends a message back to John the Baptist. John is languishing in prison, seeking reassurance. Is Jesus the one? The Messiah? Jesus doesn't directly answer. Instead, he points to his actions: healing the sick, cleansing lepers, raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, and sharing good news with the poor. And then he says something profound: "Blessed is the one who is not offended by me."

That phrase strikes a chord, doesn't it? There's an inherent challenge in it. Jesus is not here to fit into our boxes or meet our expectations. He’s here to turn the world upside down. His ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). He’s not just a good teacher or a wise prophet. He's the Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

But here’s the nub of it. It’s all well and good to know these things, to be able to recite them from memory. Yet it’s another thing entirely to live in light of them. To take this Jesus, this inclusive, life-giving, world-reversing Messiah and let him influence every aspect of our lives. To let his forgiveness soothe our guilt. To let his life bring us hope. To let his love fill us so much that it overflows into our everyday interactions.

You see, this Jesus we’re discovering today, he’s not just for Sundays. He’s for the Monday morning rush, the Wednesday afternoon slump, and the Friday night exhaustion. He’s for the unexpected layoffs, the unplanned pregnancies, and the unending pandemics. He’s the ever-present friend in our everyday life, ready to carry our burdens and guide our steps.

So, let’s circle back to our original question: Who is this Jesus? And, more importantly, who is he to you? Is he a distant historical figure, a polite nod to tradition? Or is he your Saviour, your Guide, your closest Friend? As you journey through the week ahead, I encourage you to ponder these questions, to let them simmer in your mind and seep into your heart.

Who is this Jesus? He is the Messiah. He’s your Saviour, your Redeemer, your Healer, and your Friend. So, allow him into your life. Allow him to transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary. Allow him to fill you with love, joy, peace, and hope. And remember, with Jesus by your side, you are never alone.

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